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White paper of cryptocurrencies – what is it?

Every investment should be made wisely. Companies or startups provide investors with information about the project, its goals, and advantages. The most successful and well-thought-out projects receive funding in the form of significant investments, leading to accelerated growth and increased profitability of the startup. The term "white paper" originated in the last century but is still used in business today. Let's take a closer look at this concept, also known as a "белая книга" (belaya kniga) or "белый лист" (belyy list) in Russian.

What are the purposes of a white paper and in what form is it released?

A white paper is a guide developed by the project team as part of the marketing plan. Based on the information in the white paper, investors can determine the value of the project. Typically, this information is presented on the website in the form of presentations, PDF documents, or videos.

The white papers of cryptocurrency projects address the following questions:

  • What new ideas have the developers come up with, and why is the stated problem relevant?
  • What solutions will be used to address the stated problem?
  • What is the ultimate goal of the project, and what resources are needed to achieve it?

White Papers in Cryptocurrencies

Every reasonably transparent blockchain-based project publishes a white paper on its website. It serves as the primary marketing tool in the fight for customers. A successful start allows altcoins to "take off" and subsequently exist successfully, bringing profit to the creators and token holders. Such a document is essential for a company that sells something expensive, complex, and new, such as cryptocurrency altcoins.